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Mongolia Connect Raising Funds to Cover Shipment of Donated Goods to People in Need

The YCAPS Mongolia Connect Program is asking the community for support. $30 doantions will be matched by an anonymous sponsor to pay for shipping one box of clothing, shoes, blankets, school supplies, toys and more to less fortunate populations in Mongolia that are not being supported by mainstream international aid efforts. The materials have already by gathered by the generous people of our community, but funds are needed to continue shipping them to Mongolia. If you or someone you know would be interested in sponsoring a box, please consider following this link.

Your donation covers shipping costs to deliver these items given by the Yokosuka community. A donation of $30 covers the prices of shipping one box to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, where boxes are distributed by Girls’ Story Homeless Shelter. This homeless shelter supports over 40 people, including toddlers, single mothers and jobless adults.

Since May 2020, YCAPS has been collecting donations of used clothing and other materials (shoes, blankets, school supplies, toys, etc) from our member community and distributing them to less fortunate populations in Mongolia that are not being supported by the mainstream international aid effort. Thanks to the incredible support of the international community, YCAPS has already shipped nearly 200 boxes of donations to Mongolia. The donations have primarily come from the Yokosuka community, but donations have also come from the US and base-hosting communities in Asia and Europe.

We are now seeking to continue this project by raising $7000 in donations to recover shipping costs to date and deliver another 40 boxes. Specifically, we are inviting individuals and organizations to sponsor boxes of donations. The shipping company provides discounted rates for moving the cargo and we have found a generous YCAPS supporter who is willing to match all donations 100%. This means that a donation of only $30 covers the prices of shipping 1 box to Mongolia. You can donate with this link. If you sponsor 3 or more boxes ($90 or more) you are eligible to receive a YCAPS mug. If you are interested in receiving a mug or have any other questions, please let us know at

YCAPS is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Receipts for tax deduction purposes will be provided.