• South Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy - A Diplomatic Lame Duck?


    Indo-Pacific Policy Dialogue 20 May, 18:30 (Tokyo)

    Graphic of the new Indo-Pacific Dialogue

    YCAPS is happy to invite Dr. Jeffrey Robertson for our latest Indo-Pacific Policy Dialogue. In this captivating event, Dr. Robertson will delve into his latest article published in the Lowy Institute’s The Interpreter, "Is South Korea’s Indo‑Pacific Strategy a diplomatic lame duck?" on the implications of domestic political developments on the country’s Indo-Pacific strategy. This session promises to be an invaluable opportunity for policymakers, scholars, and enthusiasts alike to gain deep insights into the intricate dynamics of South Korea’s engagement in the Indo-Pacific and especially its relationship with Australia in this context..



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    Dr. Jeffrey Robertson is an Associate Professor of Diplomatic Studies at Yonsei University and Non-Resident Fellow at the Korea Economic Institute of America (KEI). Before moving to academia, he worked for the Australian Government in the field of foreign policy and North Asia, focusing on China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan. His research interests include diplomatic practice, foreign policy, middle power diplomacy, and Korean peninsula affairs. Further information and recent research can be found at https://junotane.substack.com


    Webinar Cost: Free of charge

    Moderator: Dr. Stephen Nagy

    Format: This event will be off-the-record. Questions are encouraged.


    Registration: Required via this Link