• Japan's Free and Open Indo-Pacific Plan: Transformation or Evolution?

    Indo-Pacific Policy Dialogue 14 December, 18:30 (Tokyo)

    Graphic of the new Indo-Pacific Dialogue webinar on Japan's Free and Open Indo-Pacific Plan

    As the Free and Open Indo-Pacific plan has come to be considered the most important asset of Japanese diplomacy in recent years, it has drawn an increasing amount of international attention from practitioners and foreign policy experts. Yet what exactly is Japan's Free and Open Indo-Pacific? Is it a strategy, or a vision? Is it an anti-China containment plan? Or is it an attempt at establishing a multilateral cooperation framework within the region?


    To help us answer these questions and more, YCAPS' Indo-Pacific Dialogue series is happy to welcome Dr. Nanae Baldauff. Dr. Baldauff will delve into the nuances of Japans Free and Open Indo-Pacific, exploring its implications for regional dynamics as well as its potential as a transformative, or an evolutionary foreign policy tool in an era marked both by cooperation and conflict.




    Please use This Link to register via Zoom. You will need the link and passcode provided in the confirmation email.




    Speakers: Dr. Nanae Baldauff is an Associate Research Fellow at UNU-CRIS (Bruges, Belgium) and a Senior Researcher at Keio Research Institute at SFC (Shonandai, Japan). She recently completed a Ph.D. in Political Science (Ghent University, Belgium), focusing on the purposes of Japan’s defense engagement in the areas of defense equipment and technology cooperation, military exercises and capacity building. She is a recipient of the Japan Foundation fellowship, and serves on the Advisory Board of International Security Industry Council of Japan. She has been selected as the NATO Defense College Partners across the Globe Fellow for 2024.




    Webinar Cost: Free of charge

    Moderator: Dr. Stephen Nagy

    Format: This event will be off-the-record. Questions are encouraged.


    Registration: Required via this Link.