• Navigating the Unknown and Uncertainties: Nuclear-Maritime

    Nexus in East Asia

    Indo-Pacific Maritime Hour (via Zoom)

    Friday, July 26, 2024 - 0900 (Singapore); 0900 (Taipei); 1000 (Tokyo); 1100 (Sydney)

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    The South and East China Seas are already grappling with the militarization of maritime domain, such as the establishment of SSBN bastions and the potential deployment of floating nuclear power plants to support military operations. Concurrently, a rapid trend towards the nuclearization of maritime security is emerging within the civilian private sector, with initiatives like the adoption of nuclear energy in maritime shipping to reduce carbon footprints gaining traction, and the sophisticated networks of nuclear proliferation in the shipping industry through the dual-use technology trade. Challenges persist due to the separate legal frameworks governing the maritime and nuclear domains, exacerbated by a lack of specialized expertise and dialogues that bridges both fields. In this Indo-Pacific Maritime Hour webinar, YCAPS will host Dr. Chiew-Ping Hoo, Co-founder and Senior Fellow of the East Asian International Relations (EAIR) Caucus, to discuss the growing nexus between nuclear and maritime domains, emphasizing their interconnectedness and strategic implications for East Asia.

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    Guest speaker

    Dr. Chiew-Ping Hoo is the co-Founder and Senior Fellow of the East Asian International Relations (EAIR) Caucus, based in Malaysia. She also serves as a member of the Asia Pacific Nuclear Advisory Panel (APNAP) hosted by BASIC and is an Editorial Board Member of the AUP IR and Politics Series. Previously, she consulted for the Ministry of Defence of Malaysia from 2019 to 2020 and contributed to the Consultative Council on Foreign Policy of the Foreign Ministry of Malaysia from 2021 to 2022. Dr. Hoo's research focuses on Korean peninsula security and the intersection of security and economic dynamics between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia. Her latest projects include Southeast Asia’s responses to US-China nuclear competition and US and China’s policy options on the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan Strait. She received her PhD in Politics and International Relations from La Trobe University, Australia.


    Moderator: Dr. John Bradford, YCAPS Executive Director

    Format: This event will be off-the-record.


    Webinar Cost: Free of charge