• AI Cooperation - Prospects for collaboration between Australia, Japan, and the United States


    Indo-Pacific Policy Dialogue 27 June, 17:30 (Tokyo)

    Graphic of the new Indo-Pacific Dialogue

    YCAPS is happy to invite Dr. Adam Bartley for our latest Indo-Pacific Policy Dialogue to speak about the prospects for AI collaboration among Australia, Japan, and the United States, along with outlining policy and technology strategies to bridge AI gaps for enhanced cooperation. This session offers policymakers, scholars, and enthusiasts a valuable chance to gain profound insights into the complex dynamics of AI cooperation among countries such as Japan, the US, and Australia, and its growing significance.



    Please use This Link to register via Zoom. You will need the link and passcode provided in the confirmation email.





    Dr. Adam Bartley is a post-doctoral fellow at the Centre for Cyber Security Research and Innovation RMIT University, and program manager of the AI Trilateral Experts Group, also based at RMIT. He is a Fulbright Scholar and former resident fellow at the Elliot School for International Affairs, the George Washington University, and a former non-resident fellow at the Pacific Forum, Hawaii. He is also the managing editor for Australian institute for International Affairs’ Australian Outlook and is also their weekly columnist for The Week in Australian Foreign Affairs.


    Webinar Cost: Free of charge

    Moderator: Dr. Stephen Nagy

    Format: This event will be off-the-record. Questions are encouraged.


    Registration: Required via this Link