• Military Hegemony: Security-Seeking Behavior Among Indo-Pacific States

    YCAPS Community Conversation Series - 17th July, 18:15 (Fussa In-Person event)

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    YCAPS is delighted to announce the next event in the Community Conversations seminar series in the Fussa community! This event will feature Lieutenant Colonel John Wright.


    Russia's military invasion of Ukraine in 2022 took a great many observers and specialists by surprise. Though Russia's actions may have been unexpected, its behavior was nothing new. Conquest, the taking of another's territory and possessions, has been a foreign policy option for millennia and continues to be one, despite what modern international relations thinking often teaches. Moreover, how states look at territory and boundaries is not uniform, and these differences in perspective often complicate our attempts to analyze or predict state behavior. For example, China views maritime territory completely differently than the West, which changes the state's calculus and complicates diplomacy between China and others.


    This talk will examine conquest and its implications on international relations today, with an eye on reminding the specialist and the geopolitical enthusiast that conquest has not gone away, nor will it fall out of style any time soon


    All are welcome. Refreshments will be provided.


    There will also be an opportunity to purchase Lieutenant Colonel Wright's book: Military Hegemony: The Search for Security Through Conquest at the event.


    Registration is optional (but helpful) via this form




    • 18:15-19:00 - Welcome reception with refreshments. Feel free to show up at anytime during the reception.
    • 19:00-20:15 - Seminar and Q&A
    • 20:15-20:45 - Optional casual networking and chatting/wrap up



    Fussa Shimin Kaiken (Fussa Citizen's Hall) -3rd Floor

    2f 〒197-0011 Tokyo, Fussa, 2455−2455 福生市民会館


    Google Maps: Here 





    Lieutenant Colonel John Wright is a US Air Force Foreign Area Officer assigned to Fifth Air Forces, headquartered in Japan. He has previously served as a Mike and Maureen Mansfield Fellow, and interned with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, and the National Diet, including an internship with the current Minister of Defense. Lieutenant Colonel Wright is a pilot and has flown multiple combat missions all over the world, including campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is the author of the recent work 'Military Hegemony: The Search for Security Through Conquest.' His views during this discussion are solely his own, and not those of the US government or any other government.


    Event Cost: Free of charge

    Registration: Optional but helpful via this link

    Format: This event will be off-the-record

    Moderator: Jeff Mazziotta