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YCAPS Director Dr. Narushige Michishita hosted the Defense Orientation Conference Association in Tokyo

On July 26, 2023, YCAPS Director Dr. Narushige Michishita hosted the Defense Orientation Conference Association (DOCA) at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo on behalf of YCAPS. Dr. Michishita gave a brief history of GRIPS and YCAPS before providing his expert view on the topics: “Rising China and Japan’s Response“ and “Japan’s New Security Strategy and its Challenges.” Following a Q&A session, Dr. Michishita facilitated a virtual watch party for the DOCA to attend the YCAPS Indo-Pacific Dialogue webinar on “AUKUS and the Indo-Pacific” with speaker Tom Corben. The group was quite engaged with the webinar as they reflected on their previous trip to Canada where they initially learned about AUKUS. Through this experience the DOCA was able to get some much needed context about AUKUS and also learn about the various programs and opportunities offered by YCAPS. YCAPS was glad to be able to support this group and benefitted deeply from engaging with such an experienced delegation.


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